Some performances and participation:


 project "Unbreakable Beauty", ensemble Network for New Music" (May 5, Philadelphia, USA, 2024)

- concert "Other Visions" ( March 28, Stanford University, California, USA, 2024)

- concert "Natural Homeland:Honoring Ukraine" (April 6,Portland, USA, 2023), 

- Virtuosos de Camara concert ( Febr 26,Mexico, 2023)

- concert "Homage to Ukraine" ( Sept 29, Stanford University, California, USA, 2022)

- SOLI chamber ensemble ( Sept 26, San- Antonio, Texas, USA),

- festival "Kontrapunkte" ( Juni 4-6, Luckau, Germany, 2022),

- Festival " The Last  Rose of Summer" ( August 15-29, Berlin, Germany, 2022),

- concert SPOTS , Aventure  Ensemble ( July 8, Freiburg, Germany, 2022 and 2017),

- concert "The Benefit for Ukraine" ( May 22, Phoenixville, PA , USA, 2022),

- Argento music project ( Apr 11, New York, USA, 2022), 

- Ciclo de Musica Contemporanea ( Cordoba, Argentina, 2021, 2019),

- Ukrainian contemporary music festival ( Febr 28- March 1, New York, USA, 2020),

- Contemporary music days in Vynnytsya ( October 19, Ukraine, 2019), 

- Kyiv Camerata concert ( May 26, Kyiv, Ukraine, 2018, 2017),

- RISUONANZE festival ( Sept 16, Italy, 2017),

- concert- portrait with Kyiv Camerata ( May 16, Kyiv, Ukraine, 2017),

- "Sinfonietta Dresden: The Art of Listening - Journey to the East"( Febr 2, Dresden, Germany, 2017),

- New music ensemble XelmYa ( Los Angeles/USA, Berlin/Germany 2016), 

-concert serie "New music:Ukraine:Giacinto Scelsi-Ludmila Yurina" (Kyiv,Ukraine,2015)

-International simposium TrippleCCRMAlite: 40,50,80 (CCRMA,Stanford University,USA,2014) 

-concert-portrait, lectures,workshop ( TCU, Texas, USA, 2011)

-Festivals of Ukrainain chamber music (USA,2008,2011)

-International festival “Controcanto” ( Italy, 2004- 2006)

- International Simposium of women-composers (Germany,2004)

-festival of contemporary music in Tallinn (Estonia,2004),

- Festival of microtonality music in New-York AFMM (USA, 2004)

- Project “MitOst” in Dresden`s days of modern music (Germany,2002)

-project "New music for Harpsichord and electronic"(Freiburg,Germany,2022)

- International Piano Forum "antasten..." in Heilbronn (Germany,2001)

- 49th Summer courses of new music in Darmstadt (Germany,2000), 

- " Contrasts "(2000,2001, Lviv,Ukraine) 

- “Das Treffen”(Bayreuth,Germany,1999)

- International Forum of young composers (Ukraine,1993-2001)

- "2 days and 2 nights of new music"(since1993 ,Odessa,Ukraine)

- "Music Premiers of the season "(Ukraine,1993,2001 - 2008,2015) 

- minifestival of ukrainian music (Warsaw,Poland,1998),

- filmfestivals “Open night” ( Grand Prix ) and “Molodist” (1997-98,Kyiv,Ukraine)

- "SoNor: dialogues of cultures …2003"( Azherbajdzhan) ,

- "Brandenburgishes colloquium of new music" (Germany, 1998)

- festival “Roaring Hoofs" (Mongolia), 

- "Kyiv - Music - fest" (Ukraine,1990, 2000-2010) and others 


Prize-winner of the International competition " Torneo Internationale di Musica "( 2000, Italy). 

Works of  L.Yurina were performed in Italy, Germany, France, USA, Belgium, Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Latvia, Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Mongolia and others. 

She had solo - recitals in Stanford (USA, project “Other Visions”, 2024),in 5th International Pianoforum "...antasten..."  in  Heilbronn (Germany, 2001) etc.


Project -manager of  several  concerts –

- “PROJECT –7”, chamber music (Odessa, 1998),

- “TERRA INCOGNITA”- Helmuth Lachenmann " ( workshop  with music of H.Lachenmann, 2003), 

- symphony concert  of  Association “WOMEN  IN  MUSIC” Ukraine (Kyiv, 2004), 

- project of  Association “Women in music”  - “Iranian music and poetry”(Kyiv, 2004)

- “Music and poetry of art-women”  (2004) 

- International Forum "Women in music" ( Kyiv, 2007) etc.


Member of :

-National Association of composers USA 

-American Society of composers, authors,and publishers aka ASCAP

-Society for Electro-acoustic music in the United States aka SEAMUS

-International Alliance for Women in Music aka IAWM (USA)

-Association New Music (Ukraine) and 

-National Composers` Ukrainian Union .


 Nono`s room at the SWR`  Experimental Studio 

                            Andre Richard (Director of ES SWR),Ludmila Yurina, Roland Breitenfeld ( SWR)

With composer  Roland Breitenfeld after a concert ( Freiburg,Germany,2002)

(c) Yurina 2024

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